eezym Herbal Fresh spray certified A+ by Air Label Score

Pollutants are everywhere in the home, enclosed spaces and workplaces. Paint, floors, furniture, insulation, scented candles and other home fragrances, tobacco and household cleaning products can all be sources of pollution.

The guarantee of clear information for consumers!

Indoor air pollution has always been a concern for Realco’s laboratories. It is therefore important for us to have our household cleaners certified by an independent firm, Air Label Score

GAelle JaCques / Marketing manager

Nowadays, household products mention partial information, grouped around generic terms… It is impossible for the consumer to understand and recognise the toxicity or otherwise of the product when using it.

The Air Label Score is the first international certification that clearly identifies the least emissive products. Each product tested receives a score ranging from A+ (very low emissions) to C (high emissions) representative of the product’s emissions. Thanks to this label, consumers can now select the least harmful products by inhalation and check at a glance the quality of a household product.

Indoor air pollution: an invisible risk

  • We breathe 12,000 litres of air every day*.
  • Belgians spend almost 80% of their time indoors*.
  • Indoor air is on average 8 times more polluted than outdoor air*.
  • There are over 500 volatile organic compounds in indoor air, including several carcinogens*.
  • 79% of homes are toxic and 42% of interiors contain an average of 4 carcinogenic pollutants*.

*Voisin, C., Chasseur, C., Gosselin, P., Fierens, S., &Van Nieuwenhuyse A. (2012). Institut scientifique de santé publique : Pollution de l’air intérieur. Bruxelles : Dr Johan Peeters. Centre Urbain asbl. (2013)

Air Label Score, 1st independent label

It is essential for a label to be independent of any interest group in order to maintain its objectivity. This is why the Label ensures its independence at all levels:

  • States and institutions: the label receives no institutional funding
  • Laboratories: the label only works with independent laboratories accredited by national accreditation bodies (Belac for Belgium)

Let your home breathe

7 tips for healthier air

  1. Ventilate every day for at least 10 minutes in the morning and evening, in summer and winter. Ventilate according to your activities (cleaning, cooking, hairdressing, work, etc.). If you are located near a road, air early in the morning or late in the evening.
  2. Prefer multi-purpose cleaners that limit the number of different products in the house.
  3. Clean up every week.
  4. Select labelled products, such as those with the Air Intérieur Contrôlé label and a good rating.
  5. Control the dosage of your cleaning products. Overdosing does not clean more effectively but increases the emission of VOC pollutants!
  6. Avoid mixing your products. This can cause chemical reactions with unwanted fumes.
  7. Store your household cleaning products away from heat sources and in a ventilated area.

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