Realco, where well-being is crowned with success

Realco, the Belgian biotech company specialising in hygiene solutions based on green chemistry, was honoured to welcome Her Majesty Queen Mathilde on Tuesday 7 November for a round table discussion on well-being and mental health in the workplace. This royal visit, organised by The Shift, highlights a growing problem in Belgian society: the worrying increase in the number of cases of burn-out, a mental health disorder. Realco makes this a priority on a daily basis, which sets it apart from this general trend. 

Brussels, 7 November 2023 – Over the past three years, Belgium has witnessed a considerable increase in long-term absences linked to mental health problems such as burn-out. By 2022, they accounted for a third of sick days, mainly in the medium and long term. Realco stands out from this worrying trend, recording an absenteeism rate of less than 4%, compared with around 7% for the Belgian average[1]. This societal issue caught the interest of Her Majesty Queen Mathilde, who visited Realco to discuss the subject with experts and meet its employees.

This shared sense of well-being at Realco is no accident, but the result of an approach centered on the ‘three Ps’: People, Planet, Prosperity. Since taking over as CEO in 2018, George Blackman has given people their rightful place within the company by promoting numerous initiatives that give meaning to work and create bonds. The aim is to humanise rather than instrumentalise.

At Realco, we are committed to the vision that everyone has the potential to develop. We make well-being an objective in itself. We have also introduced the notion of robustness, which balances the relationship with time and results while replacing performance, which is often synonymous with excessive optimisation that can weaken the system.

George blackman – ceo Realco

Realco encourages open and fluid communication, which means complete freedom of speech. Needs and feelings are welcomed, creating a culture of authenticity. Emotional intelligence is valued and stimulated through the integration of various tools, such as the safety framework, non-violent communication, Bono’s 6 hats, the principle of inner weather, etc. Being able to be oneself fully at work is one of the core skills on which employees are working.

Cohesion is another key element of our corporate culture. Indeed, this strong sense of solidarity, reinforced since the fire, is all the more present today when a team-mate is going through a difficult period. Colleagues don’t hesitate to sound the alarm when necessary, and a membrane of support can be created to bridge the gap. 

In terms of human resources, this means, for example, replacing appraisal interviews with feedback workshops and progress interviews. Objectives are collective, and when individual skills are not up to scratch, action plans are transformed into support programmes. Long-term absentees are reintegrated smoothly and gradually. Numerous surveys allow employees to give their opinion on HR and well-being issues, so that the change in culture towards a more collaborative approach can take place on a daily basis within the company.

This particular focus on people goes hand in hand with the personal pride of our teams in acting in line with their new vision: accelerating the ecological transition. Thanks to the green chemistry anchored in the company’s DNA, every talent is at the service of something greater.

Even if performance is not the company’s primary goal, Realco has enjoyed steady growth over the last few years. It continues to recruit and develop new markets and new products.

The press is talking about it!

Read here all articles : La DH, TVCom, L’Avenir.

[1] Absenteeism reaches a new record in 2022 | SD Worx

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